Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Engineer, Wayve


Salary not provided

Equity available

Mid and Senior level

2-5 days a week in office (Kings Cross, London)


Autonomous mobility driven by AI

Job no longer available


Autonomous mobility driven by AI

201-500 employees

B2CB2BArtificial IntelligenceCarsTransportBig dataDeep TechRoboticsFlexible workingComputer VisionMachine LearningSaaSCloud Computing

Job no longer available

Salary not provided

Equity available

Mid and Senior level

2-5 days a week in office (Kings Cross, London)

201-500 employees

B2CB2BArtificial IntelligenceCarsTransportBig dataDeep TechRoboticsFlexible workingComputer VisionMachine LearningSaaSCloud Computing

Company mission

To reimagine autonomous mobility through embodied intelligence.


Who you are

  • Experience as a core developer/researcher in SLAM, Visual Odometry, Localisation or State Estimation codebase
  • Experience deploying SLAM systems to real world, e.g. AVs, AR/VR, UAV
  • Strong C++ and Python fundamentals


  • PhD in computer vision, 3D geometry, SLAM, localisation, mapping, or other relevant field
  • Experience deploying SLAM systems at scale in outdoor environments
  • Experience with Ceres or similar nonlinear least squares optimisation framework
  • Experience with sensor modalities other than cameras, e.g. lidar, radar, inertial

What the job involves

  • Where you will have an impact:
  • Build a robust SLAM system which runs at scale across 100’s of vehicles and millions of hours of driving data, producing high quality supervision signals for model training
  • Set technical direction for SLAM codebase and drive execution
  • Be an advocate for best practices and state of the art within Robotics
  • Challenges you will own:
  • Multi-sensor odometry and sensor calibration, across cameras, inertial and radar sensors
  • Full development life cycle of our SLAM systems - from research and prototyping, to the development of a high quality, tested code that runs efficiently at scale
  • Understand the needs and use cases of SLAM internally at Wayve, aligning the SLAM roadmap across programme requirements to maximise impact

Salary benchmarks

Otta's take

Sam Franklin headshot

Sam Franklin

CEO of Otta

Wayve is developing artificial intelligence (AI) that teaches cars to drive autonomously using reinforcement learning, simulation, and computer vision. Wayve’s core premise is that the big breakthrough in self-driving cars will come from better AI brains rather than more sensors or “hand-coded” rules which it believes are highly restrictive and not at all scalable.

The company said that it trains its autonomous driving system using simulated environments and then transfers that knowledge into the real world, where it emulates how humans adapt to conditions in real time. It ultimately relies on end-to-end deep learning AI rather than hard-engineered AI. This is one of the world's hardest problems to solve, but Wayve has made an exciting start and is taking a very different approach to competitors like Uber and Waymo, who are relying more on sensors.

Following a few years of innovative breakthroughs, Wayve now has backing from high-profile investors such as Microsoft and angels, including Uber's chief scientist Zoubin Ghahramani and Pieter Abbeel, a UC Berkeley robotics professor and pioneer of deep reinforcement learning. The company's strategic partnerships with outfits like Asda and Ocado to test-run autonomous deliveries, as well as publicity through the Minister is a show of confidence in the future of Wayve's solution to autonomous driving.


Top investors

Few candidates hear
back within 2 weeks

28% female employees

24% employee growth in 12 months


Funding (last 2 of 7 rounds)

May 2024



Jan 2022



Total funding: $1.3bn

Company benefits

  • Learning budget
  • In-house chef
  • Flexible Working
  • Private health insurance and therapy
  • Workplace nursery scheme
  • Onsite bar
  • Large social budgets
  • Enhanced parental leave

Company values

  • Pave new roads, explore unknown horizons: We take calculated risks and embrace unknown territory
  • Leave positive tracks: A big reason for working on autonomous vehicles is for the positive impact they can have to the environment, the lives they will save, the opportunities they will create for others and more!
  • Autonomous in thought, collective in action: We are built of strong, curious individuals coming from all walks of life, but who, together, want to achieve a common goal.
  • Drive each other forward: We are a company that stands strong upon the foundation which it has created. This foundation is the team, the individuals who make Wayve, Wayve.

Company HQ

London, UK


Has a PhD from Cambridge in Computer Vision & Robotics. Previously Research Engineer at Skydio and Advisor to Scape Technologies

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